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violator 3:50 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
When my mum died last year it left me as the last remaining one (dad and sister died years ago) and that gets you wondering and maybe thinking too deeply. Funnily enough I went for my "MOT" yesterday and had bloods done for organs and prostate etc so should get a heads up in the next day or so. I feel fine, blood pressure was spot on, i'm still going gym and running 4 times a week so I'l hoping they all come back with green lights.

Iron Duke 3:45 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
I should have mentioned I’m 49. You don’t expect people to go at that age, although many do. We always think of death as something that happens to other people, or it’s a long way off and not tangible. I suppose the older you get, the more you experience it with people you know and love.

I don’t think it makes me change anything ultimately. We just go on the same.

yngwies Cat 3:44 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
joe royal 2:38 Wed Feb 14

Sorry to hear mate.

Iron Duke 3:40 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
Two of my friends have died suddenly in the last two weeks. Both the same age of me, give or take a couple of years.

We never know when our time is up.

BRANDED 2:50 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
Without a shadow of trout?

joe royal 2:38 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
My mum died on Sunday, and I felt relieved and sad in equal measure. She had alzimers and had been in a care home for 4 years. To watch someone go from enjoying a slightly confused life to being asleep in a hospital for 8 days isn’t the best.

I’m the least religious bloke in the world but when my sister rang me there was a shadow of a fish on my beer.

J.Riddle 2:04 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
Well this has cheered me right up!

Is there anything, given the chance, that you would have done differently?

FMOBs how long have you got?

BRANDED 1:53 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
Thanks Coffee

I will check it later.

My favourite philosopher on consciousness Is Bernado Kastrup. He has a short essay on death here. It's a bit deep so not for everybody but to preface it he believes we live in consciousness not the material world and each of us is unique.


Coffee 1:03 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death

Here's an interview with Peter Fenwick. Fascinating stuff.


Lee Trundle 12:54 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
"Bit of luck I'll go in my sleep"

I don't know how I'd feel about that. I'd feel a bit GUTTED having not experiencing death and what happens.

I'd like to die in my own bed, slowly slipping away (preferably with the help of loads of drugs), surrounded by my family and friends all telling me how great my life was.

Coffee 12:51 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
BRANDED 11:52 Wed Feb 14

Your cousin - Sepsis? I had that a few years ago and was told I was only a couple of hours from death. If that's what it's like to die, there's nothing to worry about. It was easy - a few hours of confusion, sleepiness and that was it.

That was an interesting video. Sam Parnia, who posted the video, has done a lot of excellent work on consciousness and death. iirc, he was previously at Southampton University - your kind of area? If you're interested in more on that subject, look up Peter Fenwick, IANDS, Pim van Lommel, and others.

Side of Ham 12:36 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
Fucking hell, don’t worry about death as cliche heaven has been proven on here….

Please note: This thread has been started by a Welshman….the most morbid of folk you’ll ever find…… :-)

Gary Strodders shank 12:25 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
Look after yourself and live life to the full and the rest is in the lap of the gods if you believe in them
Modern medicine these days can keep people alive when 30 years ago they would be dead.
I have an elderly relative in a care home now bedridden in constant pain and discomfort with zero quality of life.
She has had pneumonia a couple of times and only given a less than 50% chance of survival but intravenous antibiotics pulled he r through.
My old man had emphysema/ COPD and they made him a mask at the Royal Brompton which he had to wear in the end 23 hours a day to keep him alive but really in my view it was only. Keeping him alive to suffer some more.
In the end he suffered organ failure over one Xmas and was slowly taking his last breaths as the patients next to him were ripping open there Xmas presents and celebrating with there visitors as there was no side room available for him to die with some dignity.

For me it is all about having quality of life and being able to enjoy it while you can.

zico 12:19 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
In all seriousness now I am 55 and all those famous faces from my teens and 20's rather than my childhood seem to be dropping like flies it does make you wonder. Whilst it was upsetting as a kid when Eric Morecambe, Steve McQueen or John Wayne passed on you didn't think about it. I do now! You start thinking in years rather than 5 or 10 and as a bunch of 5 good mates we now try and get together more often because soon that 5 might well become 4 or 3!

Been a bit odd this last year since mum died because you suddenly become an adult orphan and it now gets freaky because I am only three years short of the age dad was when he died. Thankfully for me being adopted I haven't got a clue what's going to get me. Bit of luck I'll go in my sleep but hopefully not for a good while yet.

When mum was going I sat with her. She was totally out of it but had this strange reaching thing going on where she was reaching upwards. Looked it up and it's a death reach and no-one knows why. I hope that she was reaching out for dad and those waiting for her but that's just a hope of course. Do I believe it, probably not, but whatever is a comfort eh.

The thing I am thankful for and this sounds odd is that I am not married and have no kids so pleased that no one will be heavily affected when I go. My nephew will get my West Ham shirt collection!

Leonard Hatred 12:18 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
I plan to be immortal.

So far so good.

Oh dear 12:09 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
I suppose I'm lucky, I've few regrets.

Those close to me tell me I'm one of those people who never seems to want for anything.

Memento Mori

Lato 12:00 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
If there is such a thing as reincarnation I still want to come back as a West Ham fan.........despite the let downs, humiliations etc. Once a Hammer always a Hammer. COYI

zico 11:53 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
In the words of Rodney Trotter, if there is any such thing as reincarnation knowing my luck I'll come back as me!

BRANDED 11:52 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
I will probably post a few times on here. Love a bit of death. My cousin who is 58 is in a London hospital and has been in a forced coma for three weeks due to her immune system attacking herself. Anyway they’ve suppressed the immune system and given her some drugs and two days ago brought her out of the coma and she’s improving a bit.

With that in mind heres a great video about people who died and cane back. The stories and the science is bloody brilliant.


goose 11:52 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
Classic partridge!!

“ He’d like to be buried in a satin lined coffin with a couple of page three stunners, they’re alive he says……..I’m not reading that out.”

mallard 11:43 Wed Feb 14
Re: Death
We’re also taking emails on the big question. What happens after we die? Frederick emails to say he has four children. He is the proud father of a new baby boy, Joshua, and his daughter, Susan, five, has just started school. And he thinks after death, there is nothing

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